At a time, o Monks, when the monk thus trains himself: Perceiving impermanence will I breathe in, perceiving impermanence will I breathe out'; 'rejecting attraction will I breathe in, rejecting attraction will I breathe out'; 'perceiving eradication will I breathe in, perceiving eradication will I breathe out'; perceiving estrangement will I breathe in, perceiving, estrangement will I breathe out': at such a time, o Monks, a monk examining phenomena observes phenomena, unremittingly, with perspicacity and insight, after having conquered worldly desires and worry. And he recognizes with wisdom, how worldly desires and worry are being overcome, and attains peace.
Buddha Sakyamuni, (563 - 483 B.C), founder of Buddhism
Image from www.buddhist-images.co.uk
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