Holding my own...with my breath...
I've been testing my Buteyko control pauses, after my wife asked me why I'd stopped the regime.
I told her - I guess somewhat nervously, hence the testing - that Buteyko's number one student, Stalmatski, said that the actual aim of the method was to establish better breathing - in the form of shallow diaphragm breathing into the abdomen, as a way of life. And that's where I've been trying to take my breathing over the last four years.
So, how did I fare? Well, on two consecutive days - using seven control pauses as a benchmark - I started at 35 secs and finished at 45 seconds... And that's a good result for me!
It's now just a case of conscious breathing...at all times - a lovely aspiration, but still only that.
Not to do myself down, though, it's getting better all the time...as I am medication free!!!
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