The mirage of the media

I found this oddly inspiring quote at the end of an article, in defence of the paparazzi in the UK Press Gazette (the trade paper for UK hacks):
From Buddha himself! - "Believe nothing. No matter where you read it, or who said it, even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense."
The writer, Charlie Pycraft, was making the point in the wake of the Kate Middleton brouhaha that our government loves to make mountains out of molehills over celebrity privacy to bury other news, but is not quite so keen on opening up on its reasons for waging "illegal" wars.
Whilst it might be very inconvenient for Kate having the media camped on her doorstep, it is just satisfying an adoring, prurient public and, in most cases (although obviously not hers), providing the drug of exposure that celebrities seem to need.
I think that Charlie has brought a breath of fresh air to subject by injecting some ancient wisdom into the debate.
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